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Образование и наукаКонференция "Архитектура международных отношений"Сборники "Архитектура международных отношений"Информация о конференцияхСтажировки за рубежомПрактикиТребования к ВКРПрограммы ГИАСборник научных работ студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов "Слово"Сборник научных трудов Всероссийской научно-практической конференции
Конференция "Архитектура международных отношений"
Сборники "Архитектура международных отношений"
Информация о конференциях
Стажировки за рубежом
Требования к ВКР
Программы ГИА
Сборник научных работ студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов "Слово"
Сборник научных трудов Всероссийской научно-практической конференции
Внеучебная деятельностьТверская Модель ООНТверская школьная Модель ООНМеждународные проект "Путешествие в Россию"Страноведческий клубШкола юного международникаКультурная программаТворческий коллектив при направленииСпорт и здоровый образ жизниСоциальная поддержка
Тверская Модель ООН
Тверская школьная Модель ООН
Международные проект "Путешествие в Россию"
Страноведческий клуб
Школа юного международника
Культурная программа
Творческий коллектив при направлении
Спорт и здоровый образ жизни
Социальная поддержка
Тверская Модель ООНО Тверской Модели ООНVIII Тверская Модель ООН - 2020Комитеты Модели ООН - 2020Регистрация
О Тверской Модели ООН
VIII Тверская Модель ООН - 2020
Комитеты Модели ООН - 2020

Security Council

Security Council

Within the framework of Security Council VIII Tver Model UN we are going to discuss such a burning issue as "Preventing and combating the financing of terrorism". 

List of countries

Dear delegates!

   It's a huge honor for me to be your chairman in the VIII TVERMUN Security Council! I pledge to make this experience for you fruitful and worthy. Our committee is a principal decision-making organ of the United Nations which resolves the questions regarding the matters of international importance which directly or indirectly target the safety and security of different countries, people, regions etc. Our committee has always been a platform for heated debates, controversies and lively discussions.

   We are living in a very important era, the history is in making and we are in the center of all the events. The world is changing and so is the system of international relations. New actors are emerging, conflicts are increasing, a global pandemic is broadening and an enormous number of other global problems and changes are leading us to instability. The role of UNSC has never been as important as it is now and we have to, using our immense collective knowledge and diplomatic skills, come to the most prolific solution in order to make this world a better and a safer place to live in. As it could be guessed, the future of the world is in our hands and we have to be courageous, honest, goal-oriented, daring and adventurous. I request everyone not to hesitate to express yourself and give it all out there.

   As for me, I will do my best in order to make your presence in the committee for these few days a memorable and warm experience and that you’ll not leave the premises of our Model empty-handed while on the contrary, leaving it with a lot of new knowledge, skills, experience and most importantly, friends.


           Best regards,

           President of the UNSC

           Raman Yadav Shankar



           Dear delegates!

   My name is Fenia Filipova and this year I'm going to be the Vice President of the Security Council of the VIII Tver Model UN.

   It's a great pleasure for me to invite you to participate in the important debates of this year's UNSC on behalf of the Presidency and my personal one.

   I sincerely believe that you shouldn't miss thе great opportunity to become a member of one of the most important committees, discuss such a thorny issue as Preventing and combating the financing of terrorism, gain significant experience, practice and develop your English-speaking skills and last but not least, provide yourself with lots of new friendships.

   The creative, friendly and inspiring atmosphere at this year's UNSC all depends on you, so pick a country you like, apply, study and represent. We are awaiting you at the meetings in March. Join us!



           Vice President of the UNSC

           Fenia Filipova


           Dear delegates!

   I am glad to welcome you on behalf of the Expert of the Security Council of the VIII Tver International Model of the UN.

   You are entering a new milestone in your history. Now you are on the threshold of great discoveries that will be filled with a lot of pleasant impressions, interesting acquaintances and opportunities for your growth. On our model, you can upgrade your soft skills. You will also be able to take part in a little, nevertheless one of the important UN committees - the Security Council. You will discuss important problems of the 21st century for several days and develop a resolution with points on its solution.

   This year the Committee faces an important task - we have to find a solution to one of the most thorny issues - preventing and combating the financing of terrorism. This is one of the new problems of international security. I am sure that together we will be able to develop a strategy to prevent this threat.

   For one week you will have a chance to become a representative of a chosen nation, being able to protect the basic national interests, participate in heated debates and issue a real UNSC resolution.

   Participation in the model is a great opportunity to improve public speaking skills and practice English. It is also a community of creative, charged people, working with whom will bring great pleasure.

   May the odds be ever in your favor! See you at the interview.


Expert of the UNSC

Elena Pronina


           Dear delegates!

   I’m honoured to be a part of this amazing event - the VIII Tver International Model United Nations!

   It is known that the United Nations Organisation was formed because leaders across the world knew that they could only deliver security and peace for their citizens at home if they could cooperate as a community of nations. Providing worldwide security and stability is what we, as community, are supposed to do together.

   The agenda that we are going to work on is quite relevant in modern world and aimed at maintenance of the peace, security and stability. We have to prevent the financing of terrorism. It requires a deep understanding of the local peculiarities, and I hope together the member-states will have a fruitful discussion in the framework of our Committee.

   I will do my best to make sure that the balance is maintained and you will have many great memories to remember and we will see you again on these beautiful grounds of Tver State University.


Best regards,

           Secretary of the Security Council

           Alina Zazimko 


Rules of procedure and report: